Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hard Rock & Heavy Metal

I had the good fortune of being able to attend not one, but two - that's right, multiple - concerts last week.

First was another Divided Symmetry show. In my humble opinion, their best one yet. The sound was great, and the music was fantastic. The venue, ehhh, it was alright. The Princeton Pub isn't exactly a shining beacon of pubby goodness, let's just say that. The lighting was atrocious, and I only managed to get a handful of usable photos out of their whole set. So here's a select few of those far too few good photos:

The second show I went was a little different than the hard rock/progressive sound of Divided Symmetry. I went to see Begrime Exemious and Death Toll Rising - two death metal bands hailing from the frozen wastelands of Edmonton. Both bands put on a great show. The stage was too small, forcing them to play on the floor, with the mosh pit becoming a living, breathing organism, feeding off the energy poured forth by the bands, becoming ever more intense. This growing intensity fed back into the bands, spurring them on like some sort self-fueling machine of metal fury. Needless to say, I got knocked around a bit, feared for my camera gear for a bit, but it was a ton of fun, and resulted in some great photos.

Begrime Exemious:

Death Toll Rising:

The rest of the photographs can be found over at my Flickr page: