Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Summer Update 2.0

I'd like to start off this post by once again congratulating my lovely sister-in-law Cara and her new husband Joel on their wedding last month. I know I said it a few times on the day of the wedding, but, whatever, it's my blog, I'll post what I like. Congrats!

I wasn't the principal shooter on this one - Cara and Joel wanted me to be able to enjoy myself as a guest rather than having to work the whole day. It was really nice to be able to sit back, have a glass of wine or three at the reception, and actually taste the food - usually when I shoot a wedding, I have to devour a meal in about 5-10 minutes and get back to work, bypassing my taste buds altogether. But I did get to tag along to Holland Park with the wedding party and the lead photog - a really nice guy named DK, who was gracious enough to let me shoot over his shoulder for an hour and a half. Here's some of the shots I got:

There's more to be found at both my Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/rmkingphotography and of course as always, prints and hi-res images can be found at my website: www.rmkingphotography.com

Remember the last post I made? When I mentioned upcoming concerts? Well one of them sadly didn't work out, but the other one did. Begrime Exemious from Edmonton rolled into town bringing with them their standard savage and brutal set. Openers Ancient Obliteration, Chapel, and Bone Chalice all set the tone for the evening: heavy and loud. The show was at the Anza Club, a venue I'd never been to before, so I had no idea what to expect. The lighting was poor (although it was better than Funky Winkerbeans I'll give it that) and so I had to pop my flash for the whole evening. Luckily the venue had a white drop panel ceiling, so I was able to get some pretty nice bounce lighting. I also played around with a bit of off-camera slave lighting too, but nothing serious. Here's a few shots:

Bone Chalice

Ancient Obliteration

Begrime Exemious

More photos from the concert can again be found at both my Facebook Page:www.facebook.com/rmkingphotography and of course prints and hi-res images can be found at my website: www.rmkingphotography.com

Another wedding to come next month, and more concert photos to come soon.

And with that I'll take my leave.
- Ryan

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Summer Update 1.0

Ah summer. That blissful time of long, hot days spent frolicking on the beach, and lounging in the shade beneath a tree. That time of late evenings spent with friends and family, gathered together outside on patios, and in mosquito-filled campsites. That time of early mornings spent wishing you could get back to sleep at five-thirty AM, but you can't. The sun is peeking through your curtains, always managing to be in your eyes, and the birds outside won't stop squawking.

Ah, summer. I'm glad it's finally here.

In news related to the nature of this blog (namely, photography) I have some photographs to share with you. I shot a wedding a few weeks ago, and have finally managed to finish editing. I'd like to once more offer my congratulations to Felix and Ojis, and wish them all the best in their life together. So with the proper sentiments now out of the way, and without any more stalling by steadily increasing the length of this already rather lengthy, lengthy, sentence by adding word after word after word, here are a few of the photographs from the wedding:

And of course, hi-res versions and prints are available from the gallery on my website, which can be found here: http://www.rmkingphotography.com/Galleries/Weddings/Felix-Ojis

In other news, I have a couple of concert bookings coming up this summer that I'm quite excited about. I'll have photos and more information on those in the next update.

I also have another wedding booked for this September that I'm greatly looking forward to. The ceremony venue just so happens to be the Burnaby Village Heritage Museum, which I think is really cool. I can't wait to get to do some wedding portraits there, surrounded by old buildings and artifacts from the past. It feels like the perfect merging of my passion for photography, and my degree in History. Sort of like a, hmm, what's the right word? Marriage? Yes, that's it. It's sort of like a marriage of my skills and interests.

And so with that I'll take my leave of you once more. Next update should be in about two-three weeks. Don't hold me to that though.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Spring Update Pt 2: The shorter sequel.

So it's been a little over a month and a bit since my last update, and I'm okay with that. I hope you are too, if not, well, here's an update for you to read.

Since the last post, I've shot another concert, and done a lot of work with my local youth group.

The concert was at Pat's Pub in Vancouver. There was a few different bands that played that night, all metal, all great. Everyone put on a great show, and the crowd was good too. It got a little rowdy during Chapel's set, but if you've ever heard Chapel before, you'll understand why. Unfortunately the show went a bit late, and Funeral Circle's set was cut short, but I still managed to snag a few shots. So in order of appearance, here's Steel Chariot; Stryker, Chapel, and the last two shots are of Funeral Circle:

As far as my work with Lighthouse Youth goes, the weather is finally getting nice (about damn time too) and we were blessed with a beautiful evening this past Tuesday night. So we did some crazy things. We played such classic games as "Fetus and Scoop*" and the ever popular, "Stuff on Your Face". Here's the resulting trainwreck for your viewing pleasure:

As you can see, a tremendous mess was made, but a good time was had by all. Presumably.

*No fetuses were harmed in the playing of this game. Unless you count unfertilized chicken eggs as fetuses, in which case you may need to find the proper definition of the word.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Spring Update!

Wow! I just realized I haven't updated this blog since September of last year! My deepest apologies to anyone who actually takes the time out of their day to look at this blog, and has been expecting a new post since then. Truly, I apologize.

Well, now that we have the obligatory apology out of the way, let me just say that I'm excited about the arrival of spring! Spring brings a wide range of things that make my job as a photographer easier. Chief among those perks is the increase in overall temperature. Seriously, it makes a significant difference. Nobody enjoys standing around the cold huddled behind a tripod for hours on end while taking winter shots, and I certainly doubt that anyone enjoys standing in front of my camera while the thermometer reads 2 degrees celsius or lower. Plus, it means that summer is on the way!

If all goes according to plan, this summer I'll be working with another photographer doing a few more weddings, gaining some more experience and doing some serious networking and promoting. Needless to say, I'm quite simply, well, pumped at the idea of getting to do some more wedding work.

Speaking of work, what have I been doing for the past seven months you may ask? No, you didn't ask? Well that's alright, because I'm going to tell you anyway. The website has been updated and galleries have been moved around. New photos have been added too. I've been shooting more fine art work, and doing a few concerts here and there as well. Here's a few sample shots from a show I shot back in February:

The band in those shots is a local Vancouver metal band named Ancient Obliteration. I highly recommend them to any fans of metal music, especially fans of weird, avant-garde stuff that defies genrefication. No, that's not a real word, but I'm using it anyway. Here's a link to the full gallery of high-res images.

I've also been taking the time to work through some of my older images and rework them now that I have more editing skill, and better tools for editing. Here's a recent edit of an old favourite of mine:
For those of you interested in comparison and contrast, here's a link to the original too.

And with that I'll leave you for now, hopefully for less time that seven months.