Monday, March 22, 2010

New Photos, New News

Two part post today:

First of all, I recently had the pleasure of taking some engagement photos for my sister-in-law Cara and her fiance Joel. We piled in a car, and headed down to Crescent Beach in search of locations and light. I think the end results - despite being shot during what I like to call "Devil Light**" - turned out beautifully. Here's a few, followed by a link to the rest:

Congratulations guys! Here's a link to the rest of the photos:

Now onto part two: (the news part of the title)

I've got another live gig coming up next week - Divided Symmetry, a local prog/hard rock band will be playing at the Princeton Pub in Vancouver on the 1st of April at 7PM. Coincidentally (or perhaps not) Joel, my sister-in-law's fiance, is part of the band, along with his brother Nathan and my good friend Jason. Here's some shots from their last show:

So if you've got some free time the night of the 1st, I urge you come czech these guys out - they're opening, so come early to catch their set! Tickets are $10 at the door.

Thanks for stopping by.
- Ryan

**For those of you who aren't familiar with this term, the term "devil light" refers to the harsh, hard light of the middle of the day, usually between the hours of 10AM and 4PM. It's really white, super-bright, and generally lousy for taking photographs. You can't get any kind of "proper" exposure in such light.

But then again, who gets to decide what's proper? ;)

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